Supplemental Information: Episode 2
1.2 - Musicking While Old: Old Age as Culture (1/5)
Joseph Straus (CUNY)
Release Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022

Producer: Katrina Roush.
Music Credits:
SMT-Pod Theme music by Zhangcheng Lu;
Closing music "hnna" by David Voss.
Other performances by Han Chen.
This is the first episode of a five-part series that will be released throughout Season 1.
Bio: Joseph Straus is Distinguished Professor of Music Theory at the CUNY Graduate Center. He has written numerous articles and scholarly monographs on a variety of topics in modernist music. He has also written a series of articles and books that engage disability as a cultural practice, most recently Broken Beauty: Musical Modernism and the Representation of Disability (Oxford University Press 2018), which received the Wallace Berry Award from the Society for Music Theory. He was President of SMT from 1997–99.
Keywords: Old age, age studies, old characters, old composers, old performers, old listeners