Supplemental Information: Episode 4

Interrelating Concepts of Texture and Rhythm in Massive Textures and Beatless Rhythms

Nariá Assis Ribeiro & Luís Raimundo (Nova University of Lisbon)

Release Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Assis & Raimundo Headshot

Author's Website (Assis)
Author's YouTube Channel (Assis)
Author's Website (Raimundo)

Supplemental Materials (PDF)

Production Credits
Team Lead: Anna Rose Nelson
Production Lead: Katrina Roush
Peer Reviewer: Ernesto Donoso

Music Credits
SMT-Pod Theme Music: Zhangcheng Lu
Closing Music: David Voss

Bio: Nariá Assis Ribeiro has bachelor and master degrees in music from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). She is currently a PhD student in musicology at Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal). In 2022 the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) granted her with a doctoral scholarship. She has published the articles “Allen Winold’s concept of unusual metric structure with obscured pulse” and “Phonograph effects, modernism and sound art: a reading (listening) of O Som é um texto desmutado – b-Aluria (Gabriela Nobre)”. Among her research interests are: 20th and 21st centuries’ music; non-beat-based rhythm; beat perception; electronic music.

Bio: Luís Raimundo holds two bachelor’s degrees, in Composition (from Lisbon Music College) and Musical Sciences (from NOVA University). Presently, he benefits from a scholarship by Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal), supporting his doctoral research. His project investigates textures and sound masses in 20th and 21st-century orchestral music. Additionally, Luís contributes as a program note writer for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's concerts in Lisbon. He has authored an article in the Portuguese Journal of Musicology, titled “For a Dramatic and Stylistic Reading of Serrana by Alfredo Keil”. He’s also the author of a few works for Concert Band.

Both authors are currently conducting their research with the support of a grant awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

Keywords: Twentieth-century music, beatless rhythms, texture, sound mass, electronic music.

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