Supplemental Information: Episode 5

What if Octaves Aren’t Equivalent? A Composer’s Guide to Non-Octave-Repeating Scales

Thomas B. Yee (The University of Texas at San Antonio School of Music)

Release Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Thomas Yee Headshot

Author's Website
Author's IG: @thomas.b.yee

Supplemental Materials (PDF)

Production Credits
Team Lead: Jennifer Weaver
Production Lead: Katrina Roush
Peer Reviewer: Craig Weston
Special Thanks: Special thanks to Craig Weston, Luis Javier Obregon, David Forrest, Liam Hynes-Tawa, and Jenny Beavers for literature recommendations, draft feedback, and insights helpful in producing this episode.

Music Credits
SMT-Pod Theme Music: Zhangcheng Lu
Closing Music: David Voss
Other Original Compositions: Luis Javier Obregon, Craig Weston, Thomas B. Yee

Bio: Some composers found their love of music hearing Brahms or Beethoven — Thomas (b. 1992) discovered his from the beeps and boops of the Super Nintendo. Thomas composes transformative Holocaust Remembrance opera (Eva and the Angel of Death) and concert pieces remixing live performance with the chiptune aesthetics of retro video game soundworlds. Thomas' research analyzes the representation of gender, race, and religion in video game music and the compositional innovations of Japanese 8-bit era video game composers. Thomas is Assistant Professor of Instruction in Theory & Composition at the University of Texas at San Antonio School of Music.

Keywords: Non-octave repeating scales, Jing Fang’s (京房) Three-scale Rise/Fall Tuning, Koizumi Fumio’s (小泉文夫) two-tetrachord theory of traditional Japanese modes, George Russell’s Lydian Chromatic Concept, music of living composers.

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