Supplemental Information: Episode 6

Playing With Ghosts: Timbre and the Chiptuning of Canon in the Bardcore Video Game Project

Brent Ferguson (Brunel University London), George Reid (Kingston University and the University of Northampton), & Matthew Ferrandino (Murray State University)

Release Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024
Ferguson, Reid, Ferrandino Headshot

Supplemental Materials (PDF)

Production Credits
Team Lead: Thomas B. Yee
Production Lead: Zach Lloyd
Peer Reviewer: Pete Smucker

Music Credits
SMT-Pod Theme Music: Zhangcheng Lu
Closing Music: David Voss

Bio: Brent Ferguson (stage name: Dr. B.A. Ferguson) is Lecturer in Games Sound and Music at Brunel University London. They primarily research interactions between music and multimedia. Recently, they released a co-written article on the weaponization of music in the video game Omega Quintet with the Journal of Sound and Music in Games, and they have published a resource outlining music theory concepts in video game music for the Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy. Additionally, Brent is an active performer, composer of music for the concert hall and video games, and video game designer attempting to create interactive and educational experiences with the educational resource Choose Your Own Accompaniment for the Silent Film Sound and Music Archive, the music history role-playing game Bardcore, and music education game Conducktus.

Bio: Matthew Ferrandino is Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory at Murray State University in Western KY. His research focuses on the analysis and interpretation of popular music and multimedia. In his spare time, Matthew is an active songwriter and chiptune enthusiast. He currently serves as the managing editor for Music Theory Spectrum.

Bio: George Reid is a lecturer in music technology and musicology at Kingston University, and the University of Northampton, in the United Kingdom. He is a ludomusicologist whose research centers on chiptune as a means of self expression, currently writing about the practice from a queer perspective and interrogating the ways in which timbre plays a role in the construction of subjectivity. He is also an avid composer of chiptune and pixel artist.

Keywords: Chiptune, arrangement, ludomusicology, hauntology, SNES

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