Supplemental Information: Episode 7

"How do you color a sound?": Hearing Afrofuturism in The 5th Dimension’s "Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" (1969)

Alejandro Cueto (University of Chicago)

Release Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024
Cueto Headshot

Supplemental Materials (PDF)

Production Credits
Team Lead: Richard Desinord
Production Lead: David Thurmaier
Peer Reviewer: Phil Ewell

Music Credits
SMT-Pod Theme Music: Zhangcheng Lu
Closing Music: David Voss

Bio: Alejandro Cueto (He/him/his) is a second-year PhD student in music history and theory at the University of Chicago. He studies constructions and performance of race, gender, and queerness in 20th and 21st century pop music. Current projects include research on musical embodiment, queer hearing and sound, and Afrofuturism. Outside of music scholarship, Alejandro is an enthusiastic potter, loves to cook, and is very proud of his dog, Max.

Keywords: Afrofuturism, timbre, funk, popular music, protest