Supplemental Information: Episode 9

Three’s a Crowd: Understanding the Rise of Two-Chorus Form in Recent Popular Music

Jeremy Orosz (University of Memphis)

Release Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Orosz Headshot

Supplemental Materials (PDF)

Production Credits
Team Lead: Anna Rose Nelson
Production Lead: Zach Lloyd
Peer Reviewer: Trevor deClercq

Music Credits
SMT-Pod Theme Music: Zhangcheng Lu
Closing Music: David Voss

Bio: Jeremy Orosz is an Associate Professor of Music Theory at the University of Memphis. He earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in Music at the University of Minnesota, where he also pursued a master's degree in linguistics. His research interests include the study of musical borrowing, music for television and film, and form in popular music. He has read papers at academic conferences across North and South America, and published articles and essays in a wide range of scholarly and public-facing venues.

Keywords: Popular music, form, chorus, NPR, Billboard

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